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"You don't need to live in survival mode, creative world is better"


With our campaign we make reference to two Minecraft game modes, the survival mode that represents academic life and the creative mode that represents the I Living Labs



How does the outdoor speaks to our target

Target: Students from Eudres alliance universities who tend to participate in their schools' extracurricular activities; people who are creative; people who like challenges; people who are sociable and like to be in groups. Therefore, we decided to highlight 3 key benefits to specifically attract these groups of people. “new friends” to attract the attention of those who are sociable and like to be in groups, “making a difference” is aimed at students at universities in the Eudres alliance in general, as we have highlighted this benefit with the aim of showing students our age who enrolling can make a difference and can have a purpose, and “self improvement” especially for students who like challenges and also participate in extracurricular activities. The slogan “You don’t need to live in survival mod. Creative world is better” serves to show that there is more to academic life than classes, tests and (routine) work and that the I Living Labs are an option available to students that is not the norm, and that they are also a space for to creativity and ideas “creative world is better”, a phrase aimed especially at students who like to explore their creativity.



How does the mupi shows our creative strategy

Creative strategic orientation chosen in PTC – Resonance Strategy By using this strategy, we set out to put ourselves in the consumer's shoes. In this way, we create situations that are recorded as positive images (associated with the product) in the consumer's mind. We want the consumer to cognitively associate these situations with the advertised brand. The second slogan is where the situation that was created is explicit. Let's deconstruct the slogan “Survival mod wrong place mod”. First, it is important to mention that this slogan was made according to the initial menu of the game. Survival mod references one of the game's modes, but it's also a reference to how many students describe their academic life, especially because of tests and assignments. The other part of the slogan “wrong place mod” alludes to how many students throughout their academic life question whether they belong there. With the arrow selecting the second option, we want to show that these students actually belong there, they just aren't in the right place or trying the right things to show their abilities and that they are good enough, and I Living Labs is the place where these students can go to express their ideas, creativity and projects, feeling valued.

Instagram post 1

How does the campain follow our promisse?

Promise defined in the PTC: Promise of benefit We intend to show people our age how the experience of participating in an I Living Lab can be enriching and beneficial for them and for their future. On the cover of the ad we have a call to attention with the title “survival mod is that how you’re feeling lately?” with an arrow to encourage the student to drag to the side in the hope of finding a solution to the problem presented to him. Next, we present the solution “exploring the creative world of I Living Labs” highlighting some benefits that this experience will bring.

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Instagram post 2

How the the campain and our goals conect

Objectives defined in the PTC: - Attract new groups of people, showing how fun and beneficial the experience of participating in the I Living Labs can be for them and for their future; - Provide detailed information about I Living Labs. The other ad to use as an example will be the press - Attract new groups of people, showing how fun and beneficial the experience of participating in I Living Labs can be for them and for their future: to show that the experience of participating in I Living Labs is a fun experience and at the same time beneficial for students, we used the aesthetics of the game's main menu to show the benefits of participating as if they were modes of fun that exist within the I Living Labs, which students can select. The “more options” “button” serves to show that I Living Labs offers much more than what we are showing there. The slogan “build your future now” is purposely positioned as if it were a game mode for I Living Labs (inspiration taken from the installed game that appears in the file with the campaign photos), and suggests that I Living Labs is a place to students build their future.

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Insta stories

How does the campain respects EUDRES positioning?

The positioning strategy of this brand is based on the benefit offered. It reflects the way it is seen by its participants/students, as the activities carried out by the brand offer them opportunities for their future, establishing a connection between them and the collaborating companies, and it will be an opportunity to evolve in the professional market. In the Insta Stories ad, this is exactly what is presented. It starts by presenting the problem in the form of a vote (a tool that increases interactivity, making the student/brand contact more personal), then a question is presented that makes the student wait for a solution to be presented. Then, the “perfect adventure” is presented as being the I Living Labs with the simple step by step of how to enroll, followed by why the student enrolls, (presentation of the benefits that this adventure will bring to the student) . It ends with an incentive linking to the initial question that made the student continue to see the ad.

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anuncio instagram stories (6).png

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Vídeo insta stories

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Anúncio de imprensa

Perception- The press ad fulfills this requirement as the elements present in the ad capture who is viewing it. The main colors of EUDRES are present in the most important elements, giving prominence. In addition to the colors, these elements have larger and more prominent letters, just like the images that help the viewer to focus on what is important. Comprehension- The press announcement fulfills this requirement because the message is easy to understand, since it is around the "creative mode", that is, the routine (classes) is the "survival mode" while the "creative mode" is referring to to I Living Labs, as it is something new, exciting, that can give the student an opportunity to be creative. Hence we have the Minecraft game as a reference for students to understand. Credibility- The press ad meets this requirement as despite being a campaign around a game the message remains credible. We connected the game to real life in order to give the ad a more youthful image, but the message about I Living Labs is always in the spotlight, due to the association of college and classes with survival. Originality- The press release fulfills this requirement because although the game is well known, the relationship we made between the game and I Living Labs was created after a lot of "brainstorming", creating the idea by connecting small aspects to each other, creating an idea not used by anyone else. Acceptance and absorption of messages - The messages of the press release will be more easily accepted due to the character of the campaign. It's a young campaign with a fun tone, making sharing the message easier to understand. ​

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Ana Tábuas

Iara Fernandes

João Barbosa

Site developed for the discipline "Advertising Creativity" of the 2nd year of the degree in marketing at the Escola Superior de Ciências Empresariais of the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal - Not an official EUDRES website

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